Friday, June 08, 2007

I'm back!!!

Well, after months of silence, I finally got into my blog account. Sooooo here goes.

I am getting my proposal ready to send off. Hoorya!! This is a mountain that I have struggled to get over. BUt I am doing it. My writing is stronger that it was when I first finished my book, so the delay is not all bad. I have great expectations formy writing. After all, I am an incurable optimist.

What's new?
Still writing on Golden Dreams and Bounty. And hope to have them both ready by the ACFW conference to pitch to editors. AND I am ready to start new storys that have been percolating aroung in my mind and where ever else stories come from.

I'll write about the writing process later--it is wonderful.

Well back to the proposal.

God bless ya'll


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