Friday, November 03, 2006

And the Journey Continues--

Whew! There's nothing like a lesson in trusting God. I trusted the Lord really well when my checking account was fat and happy. : ) Of course, that is not trust is it? SO, on this adventurous journey called life, I am learning to put my faith where my mouth is. AS I paid bills this week, I gathered the courage to look at what is in the old bank account. Gasp, gulp and oh my gosh. I, even I, who can barely tolerate the idea of having a job, wanted to rush out and get one. BUT you know what? That small voice buried deep within my heart said "Trust Me." I so want to be counted with Joshua and Caleb, the two wise spies, who saw the wonder and goodness of the land before them. And while there were giants in the land, huge obstacles that scared off the other ten spies, Caleb and Joshua knew their God. And Trusted that their God was fully capable of destroying the enemy and protecting and PROVIDING for them. So, I am fighting off the cowardly, faithless reaction to run from the problems and the promises God has given me and instead, I am running full tilt into the Promised Land with my pen (keyboard) sharpened to fill as many blank pages as I can for the Glory of the Lord. I am editing Golden Dreams and starting my new story Bounty. To God Be the GLory


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