Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Goodness of God

The other day I researched the Goodness of God and what the Bible has to say about it. In one word - Awesome! The Lord's goodness pertains to anything that would be desirable and good. Today, we would think -good- is maybe a B instead of an A, But when it pertains to God - it is the most high and desirable there is. Jesus told the rich young ruler that - There is none good but God. Rejoice in His goodness and the knowledge that He has plans for you and they are good. Not mediocre - but excellent in every way. Be blessed always in all ways.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The beginning - What's it mean?
Hi. My name is Patricia. I think the first thing I should explain is just what do I mean - Riding and Writing on the Goodness of God. While at prayer one day, the Lord asked me,"Want to go for a ride?" I thought that was strange, but then again I am a writer. So I ignored it, thinking it must be my fertile imagination in action. But once again, I heard. "Want to go for a ride?" I answered, "Okay." Sure that would end this strange encounter. But it didn't. The Lord reached his hand out and swung me up behind him on what seemed to be a huge white horse. Off we rode, but not across open meadows. Instead, we went to a city. As we entered, the Lord told me to watch. The people were in despair and their faces contorted with pain and hopelessness. As we rode by, not saying a word or touching them, the people looked up and followed us as a flower follows the sun. And their faces lit up with smiles of hope and joy. The Lord asked me if I knew what we were riding. I didn't have a clue and told him no. He said "You're riding the Goodness of God." He went on. "Go and take the Goodness of God to the people. Then he handed me the reins and disappeared inside me. So, that is what I hope to do with my writing and life --Take the Goodness of God to a world in great need of the Good News. Until next time. ~The Lord Bless you always in all ways~